Japan seems so long ago....and soon it will be. I'm trying to hold onto it as well as I can, with all the duties and schedules wasting away these hours two months later...I can't even manage to organize the memories, much less the images backlogged in my computer. Here is a still from the scene of Mysteries in the Woods we shot in Ome-shi with lovely Noah (7) and Akino (9), with kind help from Graham and Yasuko Fleming, by way of Paul Nethercott, to whom Mako Fujimura, the painter, and his International Arts Movement staff in Tokyo, referred me (in a true illustration of the ever-shrinking nature of the globe). Since we have returned, Sean has taken some time with the hundreds of photographs he shot (and I took several of these too, so if you see any close ups of unbelievably exquisite wedding reception food or unbelievably gorgeous brides....just think of me, snatching Sean's fancy camera away and re-living my high school yearbook staff memories). You can see his stunning collections, all three of them (click on "Japan Adventures" Part I, II and II in his June 1 and 6 posts), at the Problematic Outfit. I need to look at all three sets, over and over again...