
little dresses

So it seems that having a daughter breeds sewing-of-cute-dresses, so I've made a few over the past two and a half years. For one baby dress I used a lovely super-soft Japanese fabric with many cute animals, combined with a silky polka-dot that had begun as a skirt of mine, then been transformed into pillow cases, and finally presented itself as a complementary fabric.
 Once I cut up an old sweatshirt and turned it into a dress for both Magnolia and her doll Susie too.
Some that Magnolia hasn't worn now need to find homes, and two are for sale in the Curious Urchin shop.  One for a baby, another for a toddler, both featuring beautiful Dwell fabrics.
 This next piece was a gift for another baby, an experiment with two fabrics that I loved:
 Now, I'm off to deal with this insane pile of fabric that I keep saying I am going to use!

1 comment:

Rachel Federman said...

I cannot even fathom how you're able to do everything you do!